Sam Al-Busaidy – Google Certified/Trusted Photographer

Sam Al-Busaidy brings with him a wealth of experience in Google 360º Photography and Google Maps Virtual Tours. He is possibly the only Google Trusted and Certified Photographer in Oman who has passed the hard computer timed tests after actually studying material provided by Google in 2016.

His expertise goes beyond general 360º photographers when it comes to pedestaling a business. He pays special attention to all important aspects and decor of the premises and makes sure that each of the 360º images is centered and pointing opening to special features of the business he shoots. Nothing is out of place!

While Sam’s interest is in tourism and featuring special buildings, designs, and architecture, such as mosques (which he finds each to be very unique), he has done a few projects in Oman, through Oman360Views (Abu Elyas Al Kindy Trading LLC hold)

His work in Oman includes the following;

and others are in progress at this writing.

Sam’s work in the USA is extensive covering many industries, as may be seen under the Gallery page of Oman360Views.

Sam comes to us from Abu Elyas Al Kindy Trading LLC to help us fill the void in this area.